10 Tips on How to Specialize in a Stock Trading Style
I had a student write me, and here’s what he said. “Over the
past few years I've been quite successful in my trading thanks to you and your
course. About a year and a half ago, I was able to quit my job and now enjoy
the freedom and quality of life that full-time trading affords. I thank you for
that. In one of your emails, you noted that there are many trading styles and
suggested that we "specialize" in one to maximize our effectiveness.
I did exactly that…” This TechniTrader Student took my concept of becoming a
Specialist, and created his own unique Trading Style.
Go to the Learning Center and watch the Bollinger Bands®
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A Specialist reaps higher returns because they are focused,
and certain kinds of stocks behave in a certain way because a small section of
Market Participant Groups dominate in that stock. In other words, certain
traders trade certain types of stocks. If you learn to read a type of stock
really well, you will be able to anticipate the patterns with far more
Here are 10 Tips on how to Specialize in a Trading Style:
1. Choose a price range that you are comfortable trading. Do
not look at every priced stock there is. Select a price range and study only
those stocks. Keep the price range relatively narrow. Instead of looking at
stocks from $2-40 narrow that range for example to under $5, or $20-40 stocks.
Each price level of stock reacts differently, that is why we have different Buy
Stop Limit Order price points for different price ranges of stocks.
Go to watch The Basics of the Stock Market for New investors
and Beginning Traders Webinar Lessons.
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2. Choose only a few Sectors that you track. All Sectors
have cycles. Some are yearly cycles, some are 4 year cycles, and some are 6
year cycles or more. If you study and get to know a few Sectors instead of
trying to learn all of them at once, you will better be able to see the action
that indicates a certain kind of price move and the probable duration of that
3. Write down your Rules for trading. If you use Futures,
then set a list of trading parameters around Futures numbers. If you do not use
Futures, then set a list of trading parameters around Scan numbers. Stick to
these Rules regardless of the few exceptions.
4. Avoid chasing exceptions. Follow the body of stocks
behaving the same way. Too many traders get all upset because a handful of
stocks move outside of their Trading Rules. Ignore the odd ball moves. Instead
study and learn to track the price action you can easily identify, and that has
consistent results for you.
Go to the Learning Center and watch the How to Trade the
Stock Market Webinar.
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5. Determine your financial self-worth and try to constantly
raise it, by setting higher goals for yourself. Too often, financial self-worth
interferes with trading profits. Once a goal is reached, the trader
unconsciously sabotages their efforts. I have seen it so often, and most of the
time the trader is totally unaware of the fact that they have slammed into the
brick wall and cannot make more money because internally they have literally
shut down. Usually these traders blame everything from Market Makers to the
weather, but seldom do they recognize the pit they walked into all by
It is hard to do this kind of self evaluation, but if you
can overcome the notion that you feel it is worthless to try, then you will be
surprised at the changes it will make for you financially. I have people who
were making under $40,000 a year turning their financial self worth into 4
times that amount a year. It works, use it. Go back to the TechniTrader
Methodology Essential Course manual and DVDs, and take the test. Set a higher
amount that you want to make, tape a big sign onto your wall near your desk and
look at it daily.
6. Ignore the News, because it is designed to invoke
7. Only listen to people, traders, and family who support
your Trading Goals. Do not discuss what you are doing with those who do not
believe in you. Do not try to convince them, and do not justify what you do.
Simply do it. It is your life. It is your dream. It is your money, and not
8. Once you have established your Trading Style,
Strategies, and Goals stick with them. Do not give up until you are convinced
that something is not right for you. There is a cycle phase for success in any
learned endeavor. First it is excitement due to the new experiences of
learning, then there is the realization that it is going to be hard work to
achieve your Goals, then the discouragement phase where you make a lot of
mistakes, then finally if you are determined and want it bad enough the lights
come on and you start having consistent success. From there it is a matter of
sticking to what works, ignoring the Stock Market hype and gimmicks, and honing
skills more and more.
Go to the Learning Center and watch a wide variety of
training webinars.
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9. Take time off and allow your mind to absorb what you have
learned. The mind needs time to sort things out to find solutions to problems.
Sitting at your desk hour after hour getting nowhere, is not the way to learn.
A weekend away from stocks is a good idea.
10. People always think that the difference between
successful and unsuccessful people is something huge, some unknown factor, some
gigantic secret. But the truth is that the difference is tiny, often a small
thing or a pivotal point of not giving up but pushing through a period of
discouragement. Everyone has their happy days and their unhappy days.
Successful people realize this and muster through knowing tomorrow will be
The market is a vast and complex arena with a multitude of
opportunities, actually too many opportunities. Most Traders run around trying
to find the perfect stock. What I want you to do is to consider working toward
perfecting your Trading Style, Trading Parameters, and becoming a
Specialist of one part of the market.
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Disclaimer: All statements, whether expressed verbally or in writing are the opinions of TechniTrader its instructors and or employees, and are not to be construed as anything more than an opinion. Student/subscribers are responsible for making their own choices and decisions regarding all purchases or sales of stocks or issues. At no time is any stock or issue on any list written or sent to a student/subscriber by TechniTrader and its employees to be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell any stock or issue. TechniTrader is not a broker or an investment advisor, it is strictly an educational service.